East Kent & District Pipe Band

Kim, in our Activities team, and her pipe band, The East Kent and District Pipe Band, performed on Saturday to a packed garden and lounge of residents for Armed Forces Day.   

Intellectual Challenges

The last couple days the residents have taken part in some games that challenge the brain.   They have played a few rounds of bingo.   Some intellectual challenges and games such as codebreakers, mastermind and math’s crosswords.   Kim also introduced some residents to the card game – Top Trumps.   All of these […]

New Year Activities

Last week the residents at Saltwood had a very busy week indeed.   They played board games, target games, 1 to 1s, music from CARM charity performers, they also made peppermint creams. Yum!  

Saltwood Care Centre – Proud Sponsors

OF SENE VALLEY GOLF CLUB. Saltwood Care Centre are always looking for new ways to partner with local businesses and support our community. Our latest sponsorship is at Sene Valley Golf Club in the driving range. We will also be sponsoring a page in the club 2023 Members Diary. Also Hythe Town Football Club

Celebrating our Wonderful Residents

At Saltwood Care Centre all our residents are wonderful. With this in mind we would like to celebrate some of their amazing life stories and histories with you. PROFESSIONAL BALLET DANCER Rosey has been a resident of Saltwood since May 2018. Rosey has had a fascinating career and loves to talk about her fantastic achievements. […]

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